Funny Inspirational Quotes

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Funny Inspirational Quotes

You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.


If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.


Everyone is entitled to their own incorrect opinion.


I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.


Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.


When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.


I find television very educational. Every time someone turns it on, I go in the other room and read a book


If you let your head get too big, it'll break your neck.


Did you ever notice how difficult it is to argue with someone who is not obsessed with being right?


Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.


A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure.


Instant gratification takes too long.


Try to be like the turtle – at ease in your own shell.


Luck is what you have left over after you give 100 percent


A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.


Tradition is the illusion of permanence.


Life is like a ten-speed bicycle Most of us have gears we never use.


Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished If you're alive it isn't.


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.


If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.


I love being a writer. What I can't stand is the paperwork.


The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing.


You can observe a lot just by watching.


And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.


Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk.


Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.


We don't stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing.


The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.


Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come.


Those who wish to sing, always find a song.


My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened.


The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.


The shortest distance between two points is under construction.


Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so.


A woman is like a tea bag you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.


A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.


The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in.


If you don't know where you are going any road will get you there.


Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished If you're alive it isn't.


Even if you are on the right track you will get run over if you just sit there.


My life has been filled with terrible misfortune most of which never happened.


Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.


Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so.


Why don't the hairs on your arms get split ends?


Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad


The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs... one step at a time.


The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up.


The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.


Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.


The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


The only thing that ever sat its way to success was a hen.


"Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die."


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.


I cannot afford to waste my time making money.


The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.


If you're going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, you might as well laugh about it now.


I'm really go0d at making things. Mistakes are my specialty.


I d0nt make mistakes. I just make bad decisi0ns.


If you die in an elevator, be sure to push the Up button.


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