Encouragement Sms

Encouragements Sms or messages are always make us strong and give us confidence to do something different. If you need Encouragement Sms then you need to stop your search here.It makes us brave and powerful person. Some people are lack of confidence and they need some help. Through encouragement sms now you can give confidence to others. If you are thinking how you can get best and motivated encouragement sms so, just keep in touch with us and get through us big collection of encouragement messages and encouragement statuses. We are sure you will like our collection and give us positive response. Here on allbestmessages.co you will find Encouragement messages.

Encouragement Sms

Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth.


If you never lose hope you will be able to continue living because it is necessary not only to start your way, but also to overcome all the obstacles that life puts us on that path.


If you want to achieve success in life, you should have courage and determination in yourself. Take up opportunities coming your way and overcome the difficulties with your skill.


In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.


The best revenge is massive success.


Positive Thinking Supported With Positive Action, Results In Positive Energy And Unlimited Opportunity...


When Allah leads U tO The Edge oF DifficUlty, Trust HiM Fully. EithEr He Will Catch U When U Fall Or He Will Teach U How tO Fly.


In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.


A leaf which falls from d tree is at d mercy of wind, it goes wherever wind takes it.. be d wind 2 drive others, not d leaf to be driven by others.!


We Will Open The Book.
Its Pages Are Blank We Are Going
To Put Words On Them Ourselves
The Book Is Called "OPPORTUNITY" .


In order to succeed,
your desire for success
should be greater than your fear of failure.


Standing alone doesn't mean I am alone.
It means I am strong enough to handle things all by myself.


A calamity that makes you
turn to God is better than a
blessing which makes you
forget the remembrance of


No one will manufacture a lock without a key.
Similarly, God wont give problems without solutions.
So defeat your problems with great confidence. Just Do It..


Smart work is what we need today rather than Hard work to get what we want!


There iZ no dawn withOut a niGht,
nO victOry without a fiGht,
there iZ no rainbow without the rain,
there iZ no happiness withOut Pa!n.


If YOU never taste a baD aPPLe.
U would never appreciate a GoOd apple.
Sometimes we need 2 experience bitterness of
life 2 understand the value of sweetness.


EvEry test n life maks us bitter oR better.
EvEry prObLm comes to make us or break us.
Choice iZ ours, to BEcomE victim oR victorious...


Courage Doesn't Always Roar.
SomeTimes CoUraGe iZ The Quiet VOice aT The End Of The Day Saying,
"I Will Try AGain."


Hope is one of God's Greatest Gifts to all of us,
It's the maGic that inspires us
To keEp trying, Learning, LOving and living.


In GOD'S eyeZ, LOve is never absent.
In GOD'S heart forgiveness is never impossible.
In GOD'S embrace, nO one iZ ever alone or forgotten.
B Bold!


You want and you get,that's Luck .
U want and you wait ,that's time .
You want but U compromise,that's Life
U want ,you wait and U do not compromise,
that's success.


A negative thinker seE a difficulty in every opportunity
A positive thinker sEE an opportunity N every difficulty,
wish u aN optimistic life..


A bird sitting oN THE branch of a tRee iZ not afraid by THE

shaking branch -bEcoz THE bird trusts not THE branch BUT his wings--

so believe in



When unexpected situations come N front of U,

what does it mean?

It means that U are moving ahead faster than you

expected !


This World is going very fast if you want to touch the foot of success
you also have to go very fast otherwise you will never
be able to touch the foot of success.


Regretting over yesterday and fear of tomorrow are the two thieves which steal our present..
Live for today.. Life will be beautiful..!


1 heart beat
Each heart beat hap a special msg 2 convey..
LUB says Live Ur Life d best & DUB says Do Ur Best in ur life...


Appreciate life itself even if it's not a bed of roses.
Contentment is not fulfillment of what you wish for
but appreciation of what you have.


If god answers your prayer,
He is increasing your faith.
If He delays He is increasing your patience.
If He doesn't answer,
He knows you can handle it perfectly.


Every successful man in this world has failed as many times as you have ,
so you are not far from victory


Umbrella Can Not Stop The Rain
Allowz Us To Stand In The Rain,
Confidence May Not Bring
It Givez The Power To Face The Challenges.


Don't read stories of success,
Read stories of Failure.
Because successful stories gives only msg,
But stories of failure give new ideas to win.


If u forget that u are strong, unique, gifted, funny,
blessed, and so entirely loved by everyone who knows u,
just give me a call and I will remind u.


Drop The Idea Of Becoming Someone,
U R Already A Masterpiece.
U Cannot B Improved.
U Have Only To Come To It,
To Know It,
To Realize It...


Success is nothing more than a few simple DISCIPLINES practiced daily.
& failure is nothing more than a few small errors repeated daily


Opportunity dances with those
who are ready on the dance floor.
luck marches with those who give their very best.


There has never yet been a man in our history
who led a life of ease whose name is worth remembering.


Life is not about waiting fot the storms to pass...
It's about learning how to dance in the rain.


Life is a song - sing it.
Life is a game - play it.
Life is a challenge - meet it.
Life is a dream - realize it.
Life is a sacrifice - offer it.
Life is love - enjoy it.


There are only 2 ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.


Happy Moments, Praise God.
Difficult Moments, Seek God.
Quite Moments, Worship God.
Painful Moments, Trust God.
Every Moments, Thank God.


Take a deep breath & don't let yourself free
Never forget the power of love & light and everything will be alright.


Life never leaves you empty
It always replaces everything you lost
If it asks you to put something down, it's because,
it wants you to pick up something better


Success formula, to learn from water:
Adjust yourself in every situation &
in any shape & most importantly always find out your way!


Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities.
Seize common occasions & make them great.
Nothing is right nor wrong. Every thing is in us.
Think positive


Fly in the plane of ambition
Land in the airport of success
luck is yours, wish is mine
may your future bright


Keep the race through God's good grace.
Lift up your eyes & seek His face.
Life with its way before us lies.
Christ is the path and Christ is the Price.


Its not the possession of good things which bring happiness
it's the ability to enjoy what comes happiness is an aptitude.


The Lord will change all our defeat into a path for new blessings.
Don't think that failure can push us down.
Instead it will be changed into a ladder of blessings.


A smile is a language even a baby understands.
It costs nothing but it creates much.
It happens in a flash but the memory of it may last forever.
Keep on smiling!


In life, we seldom find a TRUE person &
if you ever find one,hold on & never let go,
value that person because its life's gifts worth keeping and holding on..
Take Care!!


one tree can start a forest;
one smile can start a friendship;
one touch can show you care;
one friend can make life worth living for.


Never dwell
On one obstacle too long,
For tomorrow is another day.


Trust yourself
You know more than you think you do.


There is nothing better then
The encouragement of a good friend.


Encouragement Text Messages

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