Good Friday SMS Messages

If you need Good Friday SMS Messages then you need to stop your search here.Friday is a very godo and blessing day for us and on this day people send to each other s Good Friday sms. Good Friday messages always very attractive and inspiring and it always motivate us. If you would like to get best collection of good Friday text sms so now you can get through us best and unique collection. So now you can get it very easily. Just visit this website and get through us top and fine collection of Good Friday sms and Good Friday quotes. We are sure you will like our collection and give us positive response. Here on you will find Good Friday Text Messages. Read our latest new collection of Good Friday Messages.

Good Friday SMS Messages

Good Friday is a holi day of Christian festival behind commemorates the crucifixion and Jesus Christ.


May you be blessed with the goodness of Good Friday.. .


Wishing everyone a heartwarming Good Friday


May the blessings Of the Lord Shine upon u On this Holy Day & may he always Keep in his loving care


The first thing I do at the start of every week is drop to my knees and pray for Friday to come as fast as humanly possible.


May the glory of our Savior Strengthen you And May His Graces Shine Upon you On Good Friday & always!


Feel good when somebody Miss u. Feel better when somebody Loves u. But feel best when somebody never forgets u. Good Friday..


GOOD FRIDAY in my heart! Fear & affright My thoughts are the Disciples when they fled My words the words that priest & soldier said My deed the spear to desecrate the dead


Very grateful for the many
blessings the Lord has given me ..
I love you Lord. Happy Friday.


Good Friday.
Way of the Cross.
Fasting and abstinence.
Examine consciousness.
Have a day very blessed.


Praying that the Lord has you
in his loving & blesses you with his grace ..
in dis Holy Day


On This Holy Day..
May His Light Guide Your Path..
May His Love Grace Your Heart..
And May His Sacrifice Strengthen
Your Soul !


May da blesssings
Of daLord
Shineupon u
On dis Holy Day
& mayhe always
Keep ou in his luving care!
Good Friday


MercyPeace and Love
May the grace and Lord..
surround you and be with you
on Good Friday.


I am the witness
to his fearless death.
I am a token of his
last promise
I am the CROSS
Blessings on Good Friday.


Good Friday marks the slaying of our Jesus
The unblemished lamb, the perfect sacrifice
. He took our guilt and blame upon Himself
So we could be with Him in paradise.


Thinking of You on
Good Friday
and praying that
the Lord keep you
in his Loving care always...


Feel good when somebody Miss u.
Feel better when somebody Loves u.
But feel best when somebody never forgets u.
Good Friday..


Sometimes I want God 2 be so
comfortable in my heart that He
could sit back in a lounge chair,
when all the while
He is looking for a throne.
Happy Good Friday


When u face problems in life,
don't ask GOD to take them away.
Ask Him to show His purpose,
Ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for u


GOOD FRIDAY in my heart!
Fear & affright My thoughts are the Disciples
when they fled My words the words that
priest & soldier said My deed the spear to desecrate the dead


Today is Friday . . .
the day of acceptance of Dua!
I pray to ALLAH for u nd ur family a good health,
long life, brilliant success, Barkat-e-Kaseer in ur Jan-o-Mal,
Izzat, Eeman, Sehat, Rizq, Elm and Umr and all joys of life
which u have ever wished.
Jumma mubarak


NABI KAREEM (S.A.W) Ne Farmaya:
"Log Jumma Kay Choor Deney Se Baaz Aa Jayen,
Nahi To ALLAH Un K Diloon Par Mohar Kr Dega,
Ke Woh Ghaafiloon Main Se Ho Jayen Gaay."


He bore it all in silence Bcoz
He held us dear May He recieve our regards May our Prayers he hear...
Celebrate Good Friday!


Thankfulness = Fruitfulness
Thanklessness = Fruitlessness
Thanksgiving expands your capacity to receive more from God.
Happy Good Friday


"Happy Friday! Focus
where you want to go
today and then set everything to go there.
The 1st hour of the entire day counts!"


Life is a maybe
Death is for sure
Sin is the cause
Christ is the cure
Happy Good Friday


Mercy, Please & Love
May da grace & Lord...
surround u & b with you
on Good Friday


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
He brews 13:8. His life still gives us hope, May you live in his unchanging love.
May Jesus who was born in a manger be born again in your Heart? Good Friday!


Praying that the Lord
Holds you in His Love
And blesses u with
His grace... on this
Holy Day & always!


He showed us the way
He has long been gone
And yet in our hearts
His name shines on.
Wish u a Holy Friday!


Mercy, Peace & Love
May the grace & Lord...
surround u & b with u
on Good Friday


the Lord lights up our way into eternal bliss. Good Friday!


Praying that the Lord holds you in his
love & blesses you with His grace... on dis Holy Day


On the Holy day...

May His light guide your path...
May his love grace your heart...
& may His scarifice strengthen
your Soul ! Thinking of you on


Praying that the Lord fills your Heart with Peace ...
Holds you in His Love & Blesses you with His Grace...

On dis Holy Day & Always.


May the glory of our Savior
Strengthen you & May
His Graces Shine Upon you
On Good Friday & Always !


May the blesssings
Of the Lord
Shine upon you
On dis Holy Day
& may he always
Keep in his loving care


May the Light Of Jumma,
Shine In your House.
the Strength of Eemaan,
Stay in your Heart.
& May Allah Shower
His Countless Blessings
On you & your Family
on this Holy Day


Mercy, Pleace & Love
May the grace & Lord ....
surround you & be with you on Good Friday


May on this GOOD FRIDAY we start it with
Fasting & Prayers so that we can bring

God's mercy & forgiveness on all mankind
Lets Pray together.


When you face problems in life,
don't ask GOD to take them away.

Ask Him to show His purpose,
Ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you.


He showed us the way
He has long been gone & yet in our hearts
His name shines on.
Wish you a Holy Friday!


Fear ALLAH and you will have
No cause to fear any one.
"Happy Friday"


The happiest is he to
Whom God has given a good wife.
"Juma Mubarak"


The days of life pass away like clouds,
So do well while you are alive.


Good Friday Wishes Prayers Text Messages

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